COVID-19 Adjustments to Business

Good Morning All,
We hope and pray that this post finds all of you doing well and you are safe and waiting this Virus out. We have been informed by the Governor that anyone traveling to WY from out of state must quarantine for 14 days once you enter the state, we have also been informed that we can no longer do take-out but rather curbside only, all of this is in affect until 4/30/20…With this recent news and for the health and safety of our staff we have stopped all lodging until the ban has been lifted. We are still keeping the restaurant curbside open, please just call in your order prior to arriving.
We are hopeful that these measures will allow this to pass and we all can go back to our normal lives. We, Trixie and I as well as our staff hope that all of you and your families remain safe and we all are looking forward to seeing you in the coming months.

Stay Safe

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